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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Birth Control Pills Essay Example for Free

Birth Control Pills Essay Teen age also referred to as puberty is the age between twelve years and nineteen and it is one of the most crucial stages in life. For many young people, this is one period that presents difficulties for many as it is the time they get to discover exactly who they are. They begin to experience certain changes in their body and it is usually at this stage that they realize that there is a difference between a boy and a girl. Of the many issues that the young people discover during puberty is their sexuality. They get to learn how the reproductive system works and are sensitized that at this age they are capable of being reproductive as their reproductive systems at this point are fully mature. Although sexual intercourse is a reserve of the adults, it is a fact that cannot be refuted that young people, even as young as teenagers are now engaging in the act (Seaman. 54-57). Teenagers are getting sexually active as early as at the age of ten years. It is for this reason that it has become necessary for the teenagers to be sensitized among crucial issues like methods of protection from pregnancy and other sexually transmitted diseases. This paper focuses on birth control pills as one of the methods of contraceptives which is now very common among teenagers (Seaman. 75-77). Birth control pills are tablets whose chemical composition is made up of hormones which are meant to later the normal functioning of the body and specifically the reproductive system. The birth control pills just as the name suggests are taken as a precautionary measure to prevent a woman from getting pregnant after getting sexually involved with any form of protection (Zonderman. 83-86). How it Works As already mentioned birth control pills are made up of hormones that are meant to alter the normal functioning of the reproduction system and specifically the ovaries and the uterus. Most birth control pills contain a combination of hormones, mainly progesterone and estrogen whose function is to prevent ovulation and consequently prevent fertilization of the egg by the sperm during sexual intercourse. As a result, a woman cannot conceive since no egg was available for fertilization. The chemicals in these pills also thicken the mucus that normally surrounds the cervix making it extremely difficult for the sperm to swim through to the uterus to reach any eggs that may have been released during ovulation. Sometimes these pills have the effect of making it hard for the egg to attach itself on the wall of the uterus and thus fertilization becomes impossible (Zonderman. 99-103). Dosage While the dosage of these pills differs depending on the type, most of them are taken for 21 days or 28 days. This means that a woman is required to take these pills on a daily basis and once one pack of 28 pills is complete, a woman gets her periods. Some pills are such that they reduce the frequency at which a woman gets her monthly periods. This means that instead on the normal monthly period being received every month, a woman get period once in three months. Some pills have one hormone (progesterone) instead of the combination of progesterone and estrogen. The effect of such a pill is such that changes the mucus that surrounds the cervix and the lining around the uterus. However this pill has been found to be less effective in prevention of pregnancy in comparison with other birth control pills. For this pill to work it must be taken at the same time everyday without skipping (Watkins. 153-156). Any woman taking the minipill as it is commonly referred to is likely to miss her periods or get them but at irregular frequencies. During the first seven days when a woman begins to use birth control pills it is always advisable to use an additional form of contraception like a condom to prevent pregnancy. However after the seven day period the birth control pill should be strong enough to prevent pregnancy even without the use of an additional form of contraceptive. However it is important to note that birth control pills only protect a woman from getting pregnant and not from contracting sexually transmitted diseases. This therefore means that even when a woman is using the birth control pills it is important to use condoms to protect them from getting sexually transmitted infections. It is also important to note that birth control pills are not to be shared. A person should stick to their pack and never take pills belonging to a friend even though they are of the same type (Zonderman. 112-116). Effectiveness Research conducted by medical practitioners indicates that, even though the birth control pills are effective to a large extent, if used for a prolonged period they become ineffective and possibilities of becoming pregnant are high. This is because, just like any medicine, when the pills are used for lengthy periods, the body tends to develop resistance against the pill and thus the ineffectiveness. However this largely depends on how disciplined one is in taking the pills on a daily basis. Skipping taking the pills increases the chances of getting pregnant. In general the effectiveness of birth control pills is dependent on a number of factors including any inhibiting factor, for example intake of some medication may interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills. How properly the pills are taken (without skipping) also determines the effectiveness of the pills (Watkins. 175-178). Side Effects Just like all others types of medication, birth control pills have various side effects. Some of the most common side effects of these pills include nausea, irregular menstrual cycle and change in moods. However these side effects are rarely felt and those who experience the side effects, they are only mild cases. Most of these side effects fade away with time and especially after the first three months most women no longer experience the side effects of these pills. Some of the most likeable side effects among teenagers of birth control pills include reducing the flow of the monthly periods so that they become lighter and reducing cramps that come with the monthly periods. In addition these pills have been said to offer protection from anemia, cancer of the ovaries and some diseases that affect the breast (Zonderman. 135-137). Conclusion Although birth control pills play an important role in keeping away unwanted pregnancies, it is important to remember that they do not protect one from sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS which has no cure. Abstinence especially among teenagers is the only sure to keep STDs and unwanted pregnancies at bay. If one has to engage in sexual intercourse then perhaps use of a condom may be advisable. Work cited Seaman. B. The doctors case against the pill. New York: Doubleday, 1980. Watkins, E. Siegel. On the Pill: A Social History of Oral Contraceptives, 1950- 1970. Baltimore, Md: New York: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998. Zonderman. J. Birth control pills, New York: Chelsea House, 2006.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Revolution Essay -- essays research papers

Revolution Exam 1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the years 1763-1775, Britain and the American Colonies had different views and interpretations for various events and documents. The Stamp Act:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Stamp Act was created by George Grenville, the Prime Minister from 1764-1766. Britain’s national debt had soared to 133 million pounds due to the war. Grenville decided to propose several taxes on the American colonists, including the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act required embossed markings on court documents, land titles, contracts, playing cards, newspapers, and basically anything printed. Grenville figured that the tax would cover part of the national debt and the cost for keeping ten thousand soldiers in America—roughly 200,000 pounds per year. The Colonists were not viewed as equal citizens of Britain, so it would not be difficult for Parliament to pass the Act. Benjamin Franklin represented Pennsylvania and suggested that if Britain was going to tax the American colonies, there should be Americans in Parliament. Franklin wanted the Americans and British to be as one. British politicians denied Franklin’s request because they claimed that the American colonists were already â€Å"virtually† represented by merchants in Parliament who had interests in America. Some other differences in opinions from American colonists were those of their rights. The colonists believed that taxation without representation took away their essential rights as Englishmen. There was confusion of what the rights of free subjects of were. They also believed that just because Britain had such a huge debt, that shouldn’t mean that the colonies have to take part in it. The taxation led to mobs such as the Sons of Liberty. There would be rebellions and violence to come. The Quartering Act:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the request of General Thomas Gage, Parliament passed the Quartering Act, which required the American colonists to house and feed British troops. In January 1766, members of the New York Assembly said that because the British commander had his headquarters in New York, there was an unequal burden under the Quartering Act; in turn, they decided to follow some of the specifications in the Quartering Act, but not all of them. The Assembly also feared that the troops would cause an unlimited drain on their treasury by the cost of living and eati... ...h’s theory in the Wealth of Nations was the economic model that the American colonists thought was accurate. Work Cited Armando. â€Å"Judicial Review: The Cornerstone of the Founders’ Plan.† 5-03-05   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (http://balletshooz.dailykos.com/story/2005/4/17/141336/824). Ash, Thomas. â€Å"Why did the American Colonists Revolt?† 5-03-05   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (http://www.bigissueground.com/history/ash-uscolonists.shtml). Houghton; Mifflin. â€Å"Quartering Acts.† 5-03-05 (http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/rcah/html/ah_072900_quarteringac.htm). Indiana University School of Law. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies.† 5-03-05 (http://www.law.indiana.edu/uslawdocs/declaration.html). McClymer. â€Å"How Did the King's Colonies Become Little Republics?† 5-03-05   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (http://www.assumption.edu/dept/history/Hi118net/Hi%2013%20Essay%202%20 97%20John). Online Highways. â€Å"Proclamation of 1763.† 5-03-05   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1209.html). Wikipedia. â€Å"Mercantilism.† 5-03-05   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercantilism).

Monday, January 13, 2020

Infancy and Early Childhood Development

Infancy and early childhood are referred to as those immature years of life and the stage at which most of a child’s development occurs. To strengthen the development of a child’s learning one must understand the physical and mental factors that affect a child’s development through observation and interaction. Development begins during the prenatal period on up to the early years and depends on the nutritional, medical, emotional, and intellectual support of parents, family members, caregivers, and teachers (Cherry, 2011). Parenting styles also play a role in what influences development as well as early childhood education programs. During the prenatal period when a child’s development begins, thus being aware of many factors that can damage the fetus and the development of a healthy child. In the early years the development of physical growth is through constant change. A key component in a child’s development is based on good nutrition as well as motor milestones needed for a child to succeed. Piaget and many other theorists refer to stages of specific age that defines the milestones reached. However, every child is different and so are there developmental successes (Berger, 2008). Infants develop skills based on their experiences in exploring the world around them. Physical play allows them to develop coordination as well as stronger muscles. Sensory skills are developed through taste, smell, touch, seeing, hearing, and from that perception is gained. Motor, sensory, and perceptual skills are supported by stimulation and a caring environment. Cognitive development occurs when a child becomes aware of physical sensations such as his or her mouth, hands, and feet. This is when an infant will explore and begin to understand what is around them (Berger, 2008). It is through early childhood that physical and neuropsychological changes help to increase coordination, control, manipulation, and movement through refining motor and perceptual skills. A good example of refining motor skills is through lacing and threading when tying their shoes as well as writing and drawing. It is these changes that create the milestones of such development. Environmental stimulus creates neurological development to control body functions to succeed in sports and other body-related skills. To enable such development to master such skills one must provide children with the opportunities of a challenging environment to learn and improve on such skills. The importance of childhood development is based on peer relationships, social play, and emotional development that help them build on self and moral values. As children engage in such play, he or she will begin to explore ways to solve problems as well as how they view other’s perspectives (Berger, 2008). It is through a stimulating and supportive environment that will allow a child to develop. The support of the parents, family members, and other individuals will help a child develop self-concept and self-esteem to learn and grow, and will be the foundation for building strong relationships with the ability to express emotion. Such a foundation will allow a child to develop by exploring new situations and being able to build on that to create healthy relationships (Berger, 2008). Parenting Styles and their Influence Family structure also affects both cognitive and emotional development of a child and is based on the size of the family and what order the child was born. However, a child’s performance is based on how safe and secure the child feels as well as an environment that provides warmth, consistency, and family communication. Family structure also leads to other factor that influences childhood development and the styles in which parents teach that may or may not be a supportive foundation. A clinical psychologist named Diane Baumrind discovered that there were four styles of parenting; however, three styles were displayed most. Her discovery came from a study that she had conducted on more than 100 children. This study of parenting and its effects on children displayed many aspects of parenting such as strategies of discipline, parental nurturance, styles of communication, and one’s level maturity and control. Observation from such dimensions created what is known as the four styles of parenting. Authoritarian Parenting Authoritarian parenting was a style of parenting that expected children to follow the rules and obey. Good behavior was rewarded; whereas, bad behavior was punished. This style of parenting felt as though they needed to give no eason other than â€Å"they said so. † Communication between parent and child was minimal with no response to child. Children who grew up from this type of parenting ranked lower in happiness, social competence, and self-esteem. Children are not allowed to make their own choices and given limited freedom. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting is similar to that of authoritarian in terms of establishing rules and guidelines to follow, but much more democratic. However, this style of parenting is more responsive to their children. Though standards are set high there is room for decision-making. Parents are more willing to listen to their children and be more supportive rather than punitive. This style of parenting tends to result in happier children. These children tend to achieve higher grades in school, and have less social problems. Authoritative parenting helps children develop self-sufficiency and independence. This is the style of parenting I believe is most effective because it offers the most balanced approach to parenting. Parents enforce rules and limits, but do so to protect their children rather than stifle them. This style of parenting enforces rules when they need to but also allows their children to make mistakes and learn from them when the situation does not require strong discipline. Permissive Parenting Permissive parenting is what many refer to as understanding parents. They demand less and seldom discipline their children and create substandard assumptions of maturity level and self-control. Baumrind believes that indulgent parents are less demanding and more responsive. This parenting style would prefer to be a friend rather than a parent and can be a detriment because it teaches the child; rules do not need to be followed; thus, creating defiance of authority without worrying about the consequences of others. Children taught from this style of parenting tend to have low self-esteem, lack of self-control, and do poorly in school. These children will have difficulty in society associating with their peers and creating healthy relationships. Uninvolved parenting Uninvolved parenting ranks lowest of all life domains. This style of parenting makes few demands and communicates very little with little responsiveness. Uninvolved parents are detached from the lives of their children other than fulfilling basic needs and there are some instances in which the parents even neglect those. These children often feel rejected and lack in self-control, self-esteem, and rank less competent than the rest of their peers (Cherry, 2011). The way our children show respect, obedience, and discipline is created by the style a parent teaches his or her child. The nurturing support and love we provide is crucial to the development of our children and provide the means of our children being happy and healthy. Those children who learn better probably have a secure family life and supportive environment that will allow mistakes to be made from which children learn from without judgment being passed. By creating such a positive environment our children can explore, and we help to create those positive influences that allow children to succeed. Childhood Education and How it Influences Cognitive Development Childhood education is those activities and experiences created by educational programs and strategies intended to effect developmental changes in children. However, it begins in the home at an early age. As parents, we begin by being supportive of our child’s abilities while making sure that he or she is making all the necessary connections. Parents should be reading and singing as well as pointing out objects located in one’s environment and developing conversations with our children that builds on vocabulary. Allowing children to draw or color allows them to be expressive and gain that hand-eye coordination. Childcare givers also increase the benefits of our children’s development with giving them more conversation and interacting with other children. This type of setting allows them to try diverse activities and allows them to visit new places. In doing so, this will help to increase their thinking skills and teach them to follow directions. From this point, our children go into the pre-k programs and kindergarten. In general, children engage in much pretend play, thus building on cognitive skills by allowing the children to read others intentions, encouraging social interaction and helping them to distinguish between genuine and imaginary. This allows children to take on a social role representing reality through make believe. This stimulates the child’s ability to think for him or herself. Therefore, childhood play contributes to human development and allows the child to express by pretending social roles. Conclusion In conclusion, children continue to grow and learn as they move from infancy to toddler, and to school age. However, it is not just the physical aspects, but the cognitive aspects of thinking, imaginative play as well as language maturity. A child’s emotional, social, moral, and sexual factors are growing as well. In knowing those factors, one will obtain a better understanding about the importance of family influences, parenting styles, and childhood education. However, to understand these influences are not the only factors in the development of our children. The key is to apply practical everyday knowledge in how we care for our children and what it takes to meet their needs. Infancy and Early Childhood Development As a child develops families play a role in teaching the child. The first role is done through the five senses as a child’s brain develops. Parents are also responsible for making sure a child stays healthy. Piaget says that a child will learn through experiments in his or her world. Erickson and Freud also have ideas on family interaction in childhood development. Along with interaction a parent has different styles to bring up a child. These styles can help shape the child as he or she grows into adults. Early childhood education and cognitive development also play a role in childhood development also.Families affect development through interaction with a child, the parenting style used by the parent will also help shape the child as he or she grows, along with early education and cognitive development. Families play a role in infancy and early child development. Early childhood experience is in two categories; experience-dependent (cultural-bound) and experience-expectant ( universal) that aid in brain growth (Berger, 2008). As the brain grows senses and motor skills such as seeing, mobility progress, and hearing improve. The child’s environment helps with this as the brain will respond to different particulars in life.Also in the biosocial aspect of development is health, a child will grow at expected rates and have better survival rates when the parents or caregivers practice healthy habits for the child such as immunization and nutrition, and regular well child check-ups. Another view of family effects on development comes from cognitive views of Piaget. Piaget’s work on sensorimotor intelligence and information processing says that infants progress from knowing their world through experiments. The child is shown objects by the parent and the parent tells the child what he or she is seeing, such as a cup, ball, or bottle.This communication with the child is how the family helps the child with language development. According Berger (200 8), by one an infant can speak about two words, and by the age of two languages explodes, and at the toddler ages a child capable of speaking in short sentences. The last role from parents in the developing child comes from psychosocial theories. Emotions play a basic role in newborns two aspects of the role of emotions are from Erickson and Freud. Erickson’s theory is one of trust versus mistrust, and Freud’s theory is one of oral and anal stages. Both theories express the guidance given by parents to help raise their children.Parents and children play together, which helps develop social skills and attachment. Through attachment a child learns to explore and become independent in his or her world (Berger, 2008). Social play and attachment encourage social confidence. Besides play a parent must use a style to raise the child. Parenting styles vary the three most used styles consist of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritarian parents controls, evalua tes behavior, and attitudes of the child with standard rules of conduct. A child who fails to follow the set rules normally receives punishment with no explanation regarding why.According to Baumrind (1991), these parents are â€Å"status and obedience oriented, and expect rules to be followed without explanation. † The authoritative parent also sets rules for his or her child. Authoritative parenting styles also sets rules for a child but unlike the authoritarian parent the parent is much more democratic about it. This parenting style permits the parent to be more responsive to the child’s needs, and listen to questions and concerns the child may have. The child is not punished when he or she does not meet expectations of the parent as the parent is more nurturing, and forgiving.Discipline with the authoritative parent is more supportive than punitive, as the parent wants the child to be assertive, socially responsible, self-regulating, and cooperative (Baumrind, 1991 ). The last of the three parenting styles is permissive. The permissive parent consults with the child about decisions, gives reasons for rules, and makes few demands of the child. The permissive parent is more of a resource for the child to use, and is not active in shaping or altering the child. The permissive parent will try to manipulate the child to arrive at desired results but will not show power over the child (Baumrind, 1991).Of the three parenting stages authoritative parenting has the best balance. Authoritative parents want for the child, helps shape the child into an upstanding citizen while nurturing and firm in rules. This parenting style values the expressiveness of the child, and still setting standards for the child. The authoritative parent will also be objective, uses reason, power, and shapes and reinforces achievements and objective for the child, but does this with consensus of the child and the child’s desires (Baumrind, 1991). Besides parenting educat ion and cognitive development are important for a child.Early childhood education can began in the 1800s with private classes in a person’s home. Serious studies of cognition and early education began with Piaget’s work in defining stages of development. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are both famous for theories on cognition, and early learning of young children. Piaget whom began his career as a biologist teaching in a boy’s school found an interest in child development after helping design a test on intelligence. His theory was that a child could not perform tasks until he or she was psychologically mature enough (Berger, 2008).His second stage or preoperational stage works in the classroom with the child using language to define objects. Vygotsky theory on early childhood learning is more of a social one. Vygotsky theory is a basis of young children’s thinking being self-centered and at time magical. His theory was a second aspect of cognition; young ch ildren can be sensitive to other people’s emotions and wishes. Every aspect of child development is in social context, children are curious and observant. Vygotsky called this apprentice in thinking, as older children and adults are the teachers of society.Younger children are guided participates as they learn to think from their mentors. Vygotsky belief was that children could do anything with the assistance of others in their social network (Berger, 2008). In conclusion as the brain grows, the interaction from the parent helps the brain develop, along with parent keeping a healthy regimen. Parent and caregiver interacting with the child helps the child learn language. The three parenting styles: authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive help shape with rules and responsibilities.The well balanced parenting style is authoritative; allowing the child to understand why he or she is receives punishment, shapes and reinforces the child, and takes the child’s feeling in to consideration. Early childhood education began in the 1800s. Piaget and Vygotsky both believed that education was important. Piaget thought that a child learned he or she was psychologically mature enough. Vygotsky belief was that children learn from others and could do anything with the help from their mentors. Cognition is needed to help a child learn, develop, and grow. Infancy and Early Childhood Development Infancy and early childhood are referred to as those immature years of life and the stage at which most of a child’s development occurs. To strengthen the development of a child’s learning one must understand the physical and mental factors that affect a child’s development through observation and interaction. Development begins during the prenatal period on up to the early years and depends on the nutritional, medical, emotional, and intellectual support of parents, family members, caregivers, and teachers (Cherry, 2011). Parenting styles also play a role in what influences development as well as early childhood education programs. During the prenatal period when a child’s development begins, thus being aware of many factors that can damage the fetus and the development of a healthy child. In the early years the development of physical growth is through constant change. A key component in a child’s development is based on good nutrition as well as motor milestones needed for a child to succeed. Piaget and many other theorists refer to stages of specific age that defines the milestones reached. However, every child is different and so are there developmental successes (Berger, 2008). Infants develop skills based on their experiences in exploring the world around them. Physical play allows them to develop coordination as well as stronger muscles. Sensory skills are developed through taste, smell, touch, seeing, hearing, and from that perception is gained. Motor, sensory, and perceptual skills are supported by stimulation and a caring environment. Cognitive development occurs when a child becomes aware of physical sensations such as his or her mouth, hands, and feet. This is when an infant will explore and begin to understand what is around them (Berger, 2008). It is through early childhood that physical and neuropsychological changes help to increase coordination, control, manipulation, and movement through refining motor and perceptual skills. A good example of refining motor skills is through lacing and threading when tying their shoes as well as writing and drawing. It is these changes that create the milestones of such development. Environmental stimulus creates neurological development to control body functions to succeed in sports and other body-related skills. To enable such development to master such skills one must provide children with the opportunities of a challenging environment to learn and improve on such skills. The importance of childhood development is based on peer relationships, social play, and emotional development that help them build on self and moral values. As children engage in such play, he or she will begin to explore ways to solve problems as well as how they view other’s perspectives (Berger, 2008). It is through a stimulating and supportive environment that will allow a child to develop. The support of the parents, family members, and other individuals will help a child develop self-concept and self-esteem to learn and grow, and will be the foundation for building strong relationships with the ability to express emotion. Such a foundation will allow a child to develop by exploring new situations and being able to build on that to create healthy relationships (Berger, 2008). Parenting Styles and their Influence Family structure also affects both cognitive and emotional development of a child and is based on the size of the family and what order the child was born. However, a child’s performance is based on how safe and secure the child feels as well as an environment that provides warmth, consistency, and family communication. Family structure also leads to other factor that influences childhood development and the styles in which parents teach that may or may not be a supportive foundation. A clinical psychologist named Diane Baumrind discovered that there were four styles of parenting; however, three styles were displayed most. Her discovery came from a study that she had conducted on more than 100 children. This study of parenting and its effects on children displayed many aspects of parenting such as strategies of discipline, parental nurturance, styles of communication, and one’s level maturity and control. Observation from such dimensions created what is known as the four styles of parenting. Authoritarian Parenting Authoritarian parenting was a style of parenting that expected children to follow the rules and obey. Good behavior was rewarded; whereas, bad behavior was punished. This style of parenting felt as though they needed to give no eason other than â€Å"they said so. † Communication between parent and child was minimal with no response to child. Children who grew up from this type of parenting ranked lower in happiness, social competence, and self-esteem. Children are not allowed to make their own choices and given limited freedom. Authoritative Parenting Authoritative parenting is similar to that of authoritarian in terms of establishing rules and guidelines to follow, but much more democratic. However, this style of parenting is more responsive to their children. Though standards are set high there is room for decision-making. Parents are more willing to listen to their children and be more supportive rather than punitive. This style of parenting tends to result in happier children. These children tend to achieve higher grades in school, and have less social problems. Authoritative parenting helps children develop self-sufficiency and independence. This is the style of parenting I believe is most effective because it offers the most balanced approach to parenting. Parents enforce rules and limits, but do so to protect their children rather than stifle them. This style of parenting enforces rules when they need to but also allows their children to make mistakes and learn from them when the situation does not require strong discipline. Permissive Parenting Permissive parenting is what many refer to as understanding parents. They demand less and seldom discipline their children and create substandard assumptions of maturity level and self-control. Baumrind believes that indulgent parents are less demanding and more responsive. This parenting style would prefer to be a friend rather than a parent and can be a detriment because it teaches the child; rules do not need to be followed; thus, creating defiance of authority without worrying about the consequences of others. Children taught from this style of parenting tend to have low self-esteem, lack of self-control, and do poorly in school. These children will have difficulty in society associating with their peers and creating healthy relationships. Uninvolved parenting Uninvolved parenting ranks lowest of all life domains. This style of parenting makes few demands and communicates very little with little responsiveness. Uninvolved parents are detached from the lives of their children other than fulfilling basic needs and there are some instances in which the parents even neglect those. These children often feel rejected and lack in self-control, self-esteem, and rank less competent than the rest of their peers (Cherry, 2011). The way our children show respect, obedience, and discipline is created by the style a parent teaches his or her child. The nurturing support and love we provide is crucial to the development of our children and provide the means of our children being happy and healthy. Those children who learn better probably have a secure family life and supportive environment that will allow mistakes to be made from which children learn from without judgment being passed. By creating such a positive environment our children can explore, and we help to create those positive influences that allow children to succeed. Childhood Education and How it Influences Cognitive Development Childhood education is those activities and experiences created by educational programs and strategies intended to effect developmental changes in children. However, it begins in the home at an early age. As parents, we begin by being supportive of our child’s abilities while making sure that he or she is making all the necessary connections. Parents should be reading and singing as well as pointing out objects located in one’s environment and developing conversations with our children that builds on vocabulary. Allowing children to draw or color allows them to be expressive and gain that hand-eye coordination. Childcare givers also increase the benefits of our children’s development with giving them more conversation and interacting with other children. This type of setting allows them to try diverse activities and allows them to visit new places. In doing so, this will help to increase their thinking skills and teach them to follow directions. From this point, our children go into the pre-k programs and kindergarten. In general, children engage in much pretend play, thus building on cognitive skills by allowing the children to read others intentions, encouraging social interaction and helping them to distinguish between genuine and imaginary. This allows children to take on a social role representing reality through make believe. This stimulates the child’s ability to think for him or herself. Therefore, childhood play contributes to human development and allows the child to express by pretending social roles. Conclusion In conclusion, children continue to grow and learn as they move from infancy to toddler, and to school age. However, it is not just the physical aspects, but the cognitive aspects of thinking, imaginative play as well as language maturity. A child’s emotional, social, moral, and sexual factors are growing as well. In knowing those factors, one will obtain a better understanding about the importance of family influences, parenting styles, and childhood education. However, to understand these influences are not the only factors in the development of our children. The key is to apply practical everyday knowledge in how we care for our children and what it takes to meet their needs.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Freedom Of Speech Should Not Be Tolerated Essay - 1882 Words

â€Å"Freedom of speech is not equal to hate speech and hate speech should not be tolerated.† This was a part of a speech that I gave during a rally at Michigan State University (MSU), and it was also a slogan written on my picket sign. What would seem liked a complete flashback to the sixties was a reality being faced by minority students on campus during my final year at State. I myself had even been a victim of hate on campus. I was walking outside of my dormitory alone, waiting for my friends to meet me, when I was called a â€Å"nigger bitch† by a group of unidentified white, male students. This moment was hurtful for many reasons, but powerful at the same time because it launched me from being just a student learning in the classroom, to an activist protesting on campus; an activist finally starting to take true ownership of her identity and fighting for her rights. My journey to and through MSU was not an easy one. In high school I never felt like I mattered to the faculty and staff as it seemed no one was actually invested in my success as a current student or future adult because no one took the time to talk to me as an individual. Socially, I often felt outcast until my senior year and I frequently questioned where I belonged; this led me to try and find my place by joining every organization and sports team I could, hoping to discover me. The feeling of irrelevance was exacerbated my senior year when my guidance counselor lost my Gates Millennium Scholarship applicationShow MoreRelatedDr. Martin Luther King: A Great Public Figure1392 Words   |  6 PagesCourage, strength, persuasion, and the way one speaks are only a few qualities of a great public figure. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. possessed these qualities and was a great public figure in the movement towards freedom for all in America. 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Thus if one views infringement of liberty by the definitions set through the harm and offense principle, it is clear that the interest of a civil society is to protect freedom of speech not to block or regulateRead More The Importance of Free dom of Expression in America Essay909 Words   |  4 PagesImportance of Freedom of Expression in America Would life be the same without freedom of expression?   Expressions of hate, sometimes called hate speech, are highly prevalent in todays society; one group using them is the KKK, in particular Charles Brandenburg. Government leaders may also want to repress free speech for the motive of keeping the citizenry in the dark so they dont learn about corruption in the hierarchy of our country. 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The two arguments presented, either for or against no-platforming, are both based around the idea of whether or not free speech can be used as a defense for offensive material. Those who believe no-platforming should not exist state that banning anyone from speaking immediately correlates to their freedom of speech being infringed upon. RegardlessRead MoreHate Speech And Freedom Of Speech1393 Words   |  6 Pages In the name of free speech, hate speech should not be tolerated. Hate speech has devastating effects on the people and communities it is targeted at. Left unchecked hate speech can lead to harmful and violent effects. Over the past few years, the effects of hate speech used on women, homosexuals, ethnic groups and religious minorities have become more and more apparent. Hate speech can be very divisive in many of the situations it is used, depending on who interprets the expression can vary howRead MorePersuasive Essay On Hate Speech1612 Words   |  7 Pages In the n ame of free speech, hate speech should not be tolerated. Hate speech has devastating effects on the people and communities it is targeted at. Left unchecked hate speech can lead to harmful and violent effects. Over the past few years, the effects of hate speech used on women, homosexuals, ethnic groups and religious minorities have become more and more apparent. Hate speech can be very divisive in many of the situations it is used, depending on who interprets the expression can vary howRead More Gitlow vs New York1233 Words   |  5 PagesFirst and Fourteenth Amendment of Constitution granted that the U.S citizens have the freedom of speech. And the New York State had its law of Criminal Anarchy Act since 1902 for â€Å"organized government should be overthrown by force or violence, or by assassination of the executive head or of any of the executive officials of government, or by any unlawful means (n.p).† The citizen in the any state of the U.S should always both obey the state law and follow the national constitution. Otherwise, the citizen